Bias Incident Education Team at SF State
Welcome and Introduction
Welcome to the webpage for the Bias Incident Education Team (BIET) at San Francisco State University.
This team works in collaboration with the Office of Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation (DHR) to ensure that reports submitted are addressed by the appropriate area on campus. This page should provide basic information about the BIET and information about how to submit a report. At any time while reviewing this page, you are welcome to SUBMIT A REPORT (right click to open in new window). Please note, the Office of Title IX and DHR may review reports submitted to the Bias Incident Education Team to ensure the appropriate response.
SF State and the Bias Incident Education Team are supporters of academic freedom, free speech, and free expression. Everyone at SF State has a right to a safe learning, living, and working environment. SF State views bias-related incidents as antithetical to our university community values of inclusion, belonging, and mattering. We have a collective responsibility to contribute toward an inclusive and welcoming campus environment for students, staff, faculty, administrators, and guests at SF State. We each play a critical role in maintaining a safe and respectful campus community. The Bias Incident Education Team is an important part of campus climate work at SF State.
The BIET's role on campus is educational. The team does not have a role or capacity to discipline or sanction anyone connected to reports submitted and no one is required to meet with the team. The goal of the team is to provide educational awareness and assist campus community members with strategies that will empower them to address bias incidents they encounter or observe.
The Bias Incident Education Team reviews and addresses bias-related incidents and reports that deserve attention, but may not necessarily rise to the level of Title IX / DHR(Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation) or Labor / Employee Relations / HR (Human Resources). The BIET reviews incidents and determines an action plan rooted in individual and group education and learning.
The BIET accepts reports from SF State students, staff, faculty, administrators, and guests.
The BIET provides an outlet for people to share, document, and make known bias-related incidents they observe or experience. Ultimately, the BIET is one element of the collaborative processes at SF State to address and improve campus climate issues.
Something a person does, says, or expresses that is motivated by bias related to one or more identities, such as citizenship, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, sexual orientation, or more. While a bias incident may constitute protected expression, the incident may also promote mental stress, harm, or violence that can leave recipient(s) or observer(s) feeling unsafe, unwelcomed, and unincluded in the SF State community.
Reporting bias incidents helps us collect data about experiences that contribute negatively to the SF State campus climate. Reporting bias incidents helps foster a culture of accountability. Reporting bias incidents helps the BIET address incidents and provide educational action plans for the individuals, groups, or departments connected to bias-related incident. Reporting helps SF State understand where and how people experience bias on campus. Ultimately, reporting helps SF State become a more welcoming and inclusive campus.
If you witness or are made aware of bias-related incidents, we encourage you to SUBMIT REPORT (right click to open in new window). If you are uncomfortable submitting a bias incident report, ask a trusted colleague or friend to do it for you. You are also welcome to reach out to the chair/convener of the BIET, Frederick Smith, or any member of the BIET, listed in the next section.
The BIET consists of a group of SF State staff, faculty, and administrators from various parts of campus.
The current BIET members include:
- Arlene Daus-Magbual, Director, Asian American & Pacific Islander Student Services
- Carleen Mandolfo, Associate Vice President, Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
- Demond Blanton, Manager, Workers' Compensation and Loss Control Programs
- Frederick Smith, Assistant Vice President, Equity & Community Inclusion (convener of the BIET)
- Larry Birello, Interim Manager, Student Rights & Responsibilities
- Patrick McFall, Coordinator, Academic Support and Leadership Development, Residential Life
- Reggie Parson, Assistant Vice President, Campus Safety
- Rick Nizzardini, Clinical Counselor, Counseling & Psychological Services and Residential Life
- Teddy Albiniak, Faculty, Communication Studies, and Chair, Academic Senate
The BIET will review any report submitted. Because we work collaboratively with multiple campus partners, we may consult with or refer to departments that may be better equipped to address the issues raised in your report.
To that end, if you believe the incident you want to report goes beyond the scope of the BIET, we encourage you to connect with the following SF State resources:
- If your situation involves an immediate/urgent emergency related to physical or medical safety, please contact the SF State University Police Department.
- If your situation involves an immediate/urgent mental health emergency, please contact the SF State Counseling & Psychological Services.
If your report goes beyond the scope of the BIET, we will consult with some of the following campus partners:
- Employment conduct issues (students, staff, faculty): SF State Labor & Employee Relations.
- Student conduct: Office of Student Conduct
- Conduct related to CSU Executive Orders: SF State Office of Title IX and DHR (Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation)
If you would like a confidential consult about the incident of concern at SF State, we encourage you to contact the University Ombudsperson.
If you want to submit a report to the Bias Incident Education Team, please click: SUBMIT REPORT
After submitting, here are some next steps and what you can expect:
- Someone will review your submission within 2 - 3 business days. If submitted during or before a weekend, there could be a longer review period.
- If requested, a member of the Bias Incident Education Team will respond shortly after receiving and reviewing the report.
- The BIET member will assess your report and situation, offer support, and then work with the BIET to determine an action plan.
- At the conclusion of all available action steps, the BIET will sent a final letter/email to the person who initially submitted the bias incident reporting form. The final letter will include action steps (depending on confidentiality restrictions) and an opportunity to meet with a member of BIET to ask any remaining questions.
- Anyone who submits a report can ask questions about the status of the BIET work with the case at any time.
We acknowledge it takes courage to submit a report to the Bias Incident Education Team. Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you for taking time to learn more about the SF State Bias Incident Education Team. We appreciate your partnership in making SF State safe, inclusive, and welcoming for everyone who is a part of our campus community. If you have questions, please reach out to the BIET chair/convener, Frederick Smith.
The Equity & Community Inclusion Unit is open to all, and anyone interested in our activities and resources is welcome regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.